Audacious, Inconceivable.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
We got the message and Mom is right
I don't know if it's rational attributing my rage to my mom or not. Truth is with her. Sometimes truth is enough excruciating or even wrong and immoral.
Loai Nagaty was detained. He has been tweeting during the misfortune night of 28 June as an eyewitness scene transporter. Above 40 more people were tweeting, too. Detained, too.
Assuming the most flattering presumption, Loai was standing in a close-to- clashes theater; near police station on a day wadded with bullying, turmoils, and probably thuggery.
Dramatically, Catching and interrogation for the guy and many others is such a residual reverent favor from SCAF ensuring insurgents' security.
However, a pause might be rendered when interrogation is abolished and the man is detained for 15 days in Military Trial, my stance towards Military Trail that I was calling for would instantly change. It's rather an EMERGENCY LAW. It's the most appropriate law implied for this interim period wadded with thugs and police's scurrying. However, it was rather an astounding notion that political detainee would be the first to be caught up.
The prose of whether his detaining would put an end to any intervening in politics or any political trend or not remained suspicious. Loai 's vision was passed to a not-meager number of followers, while detaining him shaded more lights on him; now he is propagated in to myriad of people. Mouths didn't shut up.
Loai Nagaty was detained. He has been tweeting during the misfortune night of 28 June as an eyewitness scene transporter. Above 40 more people were tweeting, too. Detained, too.
Assuming the most flattering presumption, Loai was standing in a close-to- clashes theater; near police station on a day wadded with bullying, turmoils, and probably thuggery.
Dramatically, Catching and interrogation for the guy and many others is such a residual reverent favor from SCAF ensuring insurgents' security.

Mom's intimidation is justified. She has now implemented a periodic check on my twitter and precautions on any intervening in politics.Loai was likely to be detained for intervening in politics, portraying a scene of riots and turmoils. Millions of tweeps are likely to have the same fate; 15 days detaining.Loai was tweeting in his account, now he propagated in all accounts
The prose of whether his detaining would put an end to any intervening in politics or any political trend or not remained suspicious. Loai 's vision was passed to a not-meager number of followers, while detaining him shaded more lights on him; now he is propagated in to myriad of people. Mouths didn't shut up.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
TokTok: The Birth Of An Egyptian Comic Magazine
TokTok: The Birth Of An Egyptian Comic Magazine
Thank revolutionists for flourishing our talents. Beyond the scene, revolution has cut over the edge of suppression. We have had enough of replete small geographical region for our talents in the authoritarian Mubarak's era. Studies confirm our talents and intellect are a-way contingent to our geographical region. We have repelled even against what we are yet to discover, we have done beyond a revolution.. Days will prove.
Thank revolutionists for flourishing our talents. Beyond the scene, revolution has cut over the edge of suppression. We have had enough of replete small geographical region for our talents in the authoritarian Mubarak's era. Studies confirm our talents and intellect are a-way contingent to our geographical region. We have repelled even against what we are yet to discover, we have done beyond a revolution.. Days will prove.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Saturday, 2 July 2011

I dream, I rule, a photo by Jailan Hammouda on Flickr.
For so long, I feel zeal to write about people in my circle of life. I didn't intend to post more of sane posts here. But it comes to me sharing about this wonderful young Nemo, if you dare to call him.
Nemo does never belong to our gene pole -neither closely or tightly relevant- but rather is our door-neighbors' older son. One of who would -despite his meager size- correct your instant pronunciation to the word lion. So bad for you uttering it LEYON not LAYON in front of him.
He would start his primary education this year with a prejudice to speak his mother's language rather than the English studied at school -though he is veritably eloquent for his age-. Relevant to his younger brother Dido , Nemo is a lot more pathetic, compromising and willful to help. In my traditional sense , I'd favorably stick to children like Dido; flawed, transcendent and relentless. Though, Nemo is probably my suggested future friend. His mother had grown both of them sticking to commitments of not kicking their friends back when they talk abusively to them.
They are reverent to commitments but,sorrowfully, touching with life would change a lot morals our mothers taught.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
The curse of the Bohemian Artist.

I'm today looking a Bohemian Artist with an esoteric grin that doesn't dramatize its unconventionality. Within his blink, a profound message is prevailed; "unless you appreciate my obscure silence, you will fall apart, I'm an artist of all time"...
Not because they reach our melancholy, not because we gain our complacency from whoever we think great, but because of the integrity of their art in our eyes...
Saturday, 28 May 2011
I'm a humanist, maybe Freudian!!
Dictionaries define "Humanism" as the belief that you can be happy and live without the need of religion". However, it would take you a prolonged instant to take a deeper dig about the theory.
According to this theory, humans are driven to achieve their maximum potential and will always do so unless obstacles are placed in their way. These obstacles include hunger, thirst, financial problems, safety issues, or anything else that takes our focus away from maximum psychological growth.

Throughout our lives, we work toward achieving the top of the pyramid, self actualization, or the realization of all of our potential. As we move up the pyramid, however, things get in the way which slow us down and often knock us backward. Imagine working toward the respect and recognition of your colleagues and suddenly finding yourself out of work and homeless. Suddenly, you are forced backward and can no longer focus your attention on your work due to the need for finding food and shelter for you and your family.
According to Maslow, nobody has ever reached the peak of his pyramid. We all may strive for it and some may even get close, but no one has achieved full self-actualization. Self-actualization means a complete understanding of who you are, a sense of completeness, of being the best person you could possibly be. To have achieved this goal is to stop living, for what is there to strive for if you have learned everything about yourself, if you have experienced all that you can, and if there is no way left for you to grow emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually.
Sigmund Freud also demonstrated his theory of motivation;psychoanalytic theory. As part of this theory, he believed that humans have only two basic drives: Eros and Thanatos, or the Life and Death drives. According to Psychoanalytic theory, everything we do, every thought we have, and every emotion we experience has one of two goals: to help us survive or to prevent our destruction. This is similar to instinct theory, however, Freud believed that the vast majority of our knowledge about these drives is buried in the unconscious part of the mind.
Religion has always been the intangible conscious in every part of us; that's when religion is there for ushering regulations. May be Maslow didn't imply in his theory the case point in religion but he might have intended to include its regulation in a non-utopian human who would never reach perfection aka "Actualization". Al least, that's my own outcome. Work hard, achieve, yearn for your goal and crave for your dream; else, lose your life.
“As long as I have a want, I have a reason for living. Satisfaction is death.” George Bernard Shaw
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Baby Feminist
On one mild school day, our kindergarten mistress asked the senior students to fill the pace of the schoolyard and clap hands and cheer for the KG pupils on their costume party celebrating the Easter.
Busy clapping, I observed how boys and girls in KG act according to their sexes. Is it really hormones and physiology that impose women to be recessive? It's not an inquiry for me, only a private interest to observe people's patterns of behaviors and affiliate their behaviors to traditions society tackled.
Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, there was neither a dominant nor a recessive behavior that would distinguish a girl from a boy. In proportional ratio, girls were as energetic and lively as boys were. Oh man! Girls weren't nagging at a deck and crying "mammy, mammy, where is she?!"
And watch it out! I neither demonstrate God's differences in creation nor inquire mere equality deceasing feminine in a woman.
However, I have a clue.

Why should a woman be at blame for having ambitions for success? What's wrong with a woman whose dreams are not relevant to marriage? Why it is a woman's vice being ambitious or strong? Why will she always have to claim a pretext or act subtle for seeking a target of her own? Why can't men "yield" to confess a woman's success as if it would lessen his manhood bowing for her achievements? For what reason should the young butterflies I met at my schoolyard be suppressed as they bloom?
Society is enough passive bringing up inferior futile women embedding in ladies the notion that they are born only for recessive functions.
Sexual harassment and assault had become a daily basis routine that we could barely distinguish. Surprisingly, women are the ones to be blamed for men's excruciation.
And if you advocate women's rights, you would be censured and alleged a "feminist". A feminist is not born a feminist! He/she should have been born in social stipulations that triggered him/her to move or whatever you name it.
Will we put our heads into the peephole and assume to live a conventional life regardless of satisfaction or achievements? If society continues to underestimate women and perceive feminists or women's rights advocates as committers of obscenity, even men won't antecede…Cheers, cheers.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Don't vote, your voice won't count!
Don't weep your eyes excruciatingly that way.. You read it correct; "Don't vote". Psychologically, this might wake you up from your ailment; as you have been concealing your voice in your legal refrenedum. However, we can follow the miused or exploited motto: "Let bygones be bygones" aka "3fa Allah 3ma salaf" and shred the old horrid picture in mubarak 's rule.
Convincing a negatively supressed man who has never shared in any poll (even in presidental election) was like demanding a juris to commit a major vice. Father and mother have never dared to share in an election, all their lifetime, they have been supressed either by parental restriction or later, by injust legitimacy. When I asked the man with white hair have you ever shared in a poll?
The answer was unsurprizingly; "NO, none of which was fair, why should I vote when otherwise, my voice won't be counted?"
And why on earth shall you ever supress your voice again and abort your rights like a deceased corpse? Your voice finally counts because I'll vote too, Mohamed will vote too, Kamal, Ali, Fatma, Muslim Brotherhood and National Democratic Party (NPD) and Salafists too!
Yes, muslim brotherhood want to scurry us to vote "YES" before the formation of parties from the revolution. For God's sake, why should these people plot us with belief of misbelief to relate our vote to God. they say "Saying YES will garant you a place in paradise, they went distributing food to poor assuring they would vote YES and went with mics everywhere convincing illiterate people to say yes intimidating them with the clutter and lake of stability in the country if we say "NO".
People -or Me if you acquit yourself from your rights- still need to witness other parties on the stage and not only the brotherhood, the previous parliament didn't allow the foundation of new parites. I'm an Egyptian who want to witness a liberal, a communist, and even a secular!
But there is no need for much intellegence, people, what has voting "NO" or even working with the 1971 constitution (during the interim stage) do with peaceful citizens? what if Armed Forces executed military detention on any desperado?
Putting constitution won't take a lifetime to be done; law experts affirmed it takes no more that hours and within two weeks it would be done, No need to dwell about the two years putting a new constitution.
Guys of the brotherhood intimidate poor that if we say NO, the Forces will use its legitimacy and its imperative rules on us or work with the 71 constitution, then you want to fear me and make me support the old constitution that only amended articles relating to the presidnetal elections while left other articles in controversary? So Are you with or agaisnt the amendments? and you already know we will work with the very same constitution for more that a year (when a new presidnet come on board).
Otherwise, (if it's yes or no) military forces will rule the country for at least 6 months or afer the parliamentary and presidental elections. So voting "yes" won't accelerate anything.
Tommorow is the final day, maybe a new blooming era of pure democracy or other version of brainwash and supressing mind. I'll be part of tommorow, maybe I may not have the authenticity to vote but I'll have the same inevitable role to say "NO" with my unyielding voice.
Convincing a negatively supressed man who has never shared in any poll (even in presidental election) was like demanding a juris to commit a major vice. Father and mother have never dared to share in an election, all their lifetime, they have been supressed either by parental restriction or later, by injust legitimacy. When I asked the man with white hair have you ever shared in a poll?
The answer was unsurprizingly; "NO, none of which was fair, why should I vote when otherwise, my voice won't be counted?"
And why on earth shall you ever supress your voice again and abort your rights like a deceased corpse? Your voice finally counts because I'll vote too, Mohamed will vote too, Kamal, Ali, Fatma, Muslim Brotherhood and National Democratic Party (NPD) and Salafists too!
Yes, muslim brotherhood want to scurry us to vote "YES" before the formation of parties from the revolution. For God's sake, why should these people plot us with belief of misbelief to relate our vote to God. they say "Saying YES will garant you a place in paradise, they went distributing food to poor assuring they would vote YES and went with mics everywhere convincing illiterate people to say yes intimidating them with the clutter and lake of stability in the country if we say "NO".
People -or Me if you acquit yourself from your rights- still need to witness other parties on the stage and not only the brotherhood, the previous parliament didn't allow the foundation of new parites. I'm an Egyptian who want to witness a liberal, a communist, and even a secular!
But there is no need for much intellegence, people, what has voting "NO" or even working with the 1971 constitution (during the interim stage) do with peaceful citizens? what if Armed Forces executed military detention on any desperado?
Putting constitution won't take a lifetime to be done; law experts affirmed it takes no more that hours and within two weeks it would be done, No need to dwell about the two years putting a new constitution.
Guys of the brotherhood intimidate poor that if we say NO, the Forces will use its legitimacy and its imperative rules on us or work with the 71 constitution, then you want to fear me and make me support the old constitution that only amended articles relating to the presidnetal elections while left other articles in controversary? So Are you with or agaisnt the amendments? and you already know we will work with the very same constitution for more that a year (when a new presidnet come on board).
Otherwise, (if it's yes or no) military forces will rule the country for at least 6 months or afer the parliamentary and presidental elections. So voting "yes" won't accelerate anything.
Tommorow is the final day, maybe a new blooming era of pure democracy or other version of brainwash and supressing mind. I'll be part of tommorow, maybe I may not have the authenticity to vote but I'll have the same inevitable role to say "NO" with my unyielding voice.
Friday, 18 February 2011
The deluded bugger.
I wish emotions could be conveyed into some bare words. My tender readers, don't judge my writing as poor or naïve, my tears are pouring over my keyboard. And I shall never prove to you I'm naïve. Part of my change is "Never to let anybody neither manipulate my solid hard skeleton nor allow any warm pathetic speech affect my serene soft fleshy piece of brain". I am crying because I was manipulated by a speech and I am ashamed of myself believing facts without ascertaining their sources though it has never been my discipline.
While sitting peacefully on my computer, a dear badly loved friend send me three links around which Wael Ghoniem is litigated for being an agent for America . Three links. Each of which play on one point; "I'll brainwash your mind"And it's incredibly believed how you can be with somebody and surprisingly, within two minutes after reading a non trustable source, you could be manipulated to be against him".
And it happened to me today, after checking the links; I shared them to be a part of the continuous spreading web for a fake truth where spreading itself could be a good reason to make you believe.
In quick details, the first link said "wikileaks website confirmed that Wael was…. "
*"where is the link to wikileaks website?" A friend on FB I've never contacted with commented on my shared link.
-There is actually no wikileaks; the website has been closed and surprisingly I already know it and said to me "they might found some way and got it back". Who are "they"? I don't know!
Another: the second link was a facebook page of about 200 thousand members who should have been "brainwashed" with some blue bold words and of which had a sort of impact on me and thanks to God, they vanished within 40 minutes after putting my own assumptions. The third was one of the fake online clubs that whenever appear in Google search, I scurry away fearing virus. Here I'll share with you what the page accused Wael of. Now Wael for me is neither an official speaker nor the caller for the revolt. But here are some points just to prove to myself first how easy we can be brainwashed by some fake truth.
*The page said that Wael is a freemason because he wears a waistband that belongs to freemasons and wearing T-shirts with a "Masonic" mark.
-Well, does Wael's being part of whatever community could be a well-to-do reason behind the Egyptian revolts? How can we judge some one's wearing as being part of a conspiracy agency? What if he really was a freemason? Then we shall step back away from our own demands. And if he really was, he is enough smart to remove any evidence against himself and evade all these stories by acting one of the public.
*He was judged that he didn't share in the revolts from the beginning and he has been cheering and dancing after Mubarak's step down. though he was agaisnt much feats after Victory.
For God's sake, is not this guy a human? Isn't he affliated to be an Egyptian and relevent to our happiness?!.. He is not the leader anyhow.And OH, hasn't he been in prison? Wael once said when asked about his role in the revolts," There are no heroes; we are all heroes of ourselves". When his words are uttered along my ears, and my eyes reviews again the words I read, I can understand I am enough sane to tell between a fake cry or speech and a real one. Wael confirmed that he have been well-dealt at the prison contradicting what the page was murmuring around.
For God's sake, is not this guy a human? Isn't he affliated to be an Egyptian and relevent to our happiness?!.. He is not the leader anyhow.And OH, hasn't he been in prison? Wael once said when asked about his role in the revolts," There are no heroes; we are all heroes of ourselves". When his words are uttered along my ears, and my eyes reviews again the words I read, I can understand I am enough sane to tell between a fake cry or speech and a real one. Wael confirmed that he have been well-dealt at the prison contradicting what the page was murmuring around.
I was intending to make a long debate here litigating the case of the page and change perspective about it, and now-after I no longer cry- I think it would be trivial to waste time posting a blatant on a page that has no sane case and has nothing to do with our revolts and will never pull our success into vain of trivial thinking. Now Egypt is the one deserving my solid Skelton and serene flesh J
Thank you Eman, and thank you God for alerting me up.
Friday, 4 February 2011
EGYPT in CRISIS III- Curfew Nights 3
1 February 2011
I've never imagined the day I'd share my diaries, I would be speaking about a demonstration.I'd make it flat this time. Today is the protest of the millions. It started from El-Kaed Ibrahim in Alex. The same was at El-Tahrir square. My cousins were in the demonstration and I've been fighting with my dad just to let me go with my nation wherever it goes. Only one calm answer, "I only have one Jailan".
The president's speech followed by Obama's tail-speech leaped the hearts of Egyptians. Since the moment Mubarak ended his emotional speech, I could understand one inevitable truth; we are part of a dirty game, our minds and emotions are a ball handled among unfair men and our innocence is the black sheep.
My country's dilemma is not of one nation. For a million reasons, the world is surrounding us. Only what can be done is a sitting with oneself and weighing pros and cons of my country. I can have NO TRUST in anybody body but myself…
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I've never imagined the day I'd share my diaries, I would be speaking about a demonstration.I'd make it flat this time. Today is the protest of the millions. It started from El-Kaed Ibrahim in Alex. The same was at El-Tahrir square. My cousins were in the demonstration and I've been fighting with my dad just to let me go with my nation wherever it goes. Only one calm answer, "I only have one Jailan".
The president's speech followed by Obama's tail-speech leaped the hearts of Egyptians. Since the moment Mubarak ended his emotional speech, I could understand one inevitable truth; we are part of a dirty game, our minds and emotions are a ball handled among unfair men and our innocence is the black sheep.
My country's dilemma is not of one nation. For a million reasons, the world is surrounding us. Only what can be done is a sitting with oneself and weighing pros and cons of my country. I can have NO TRUST in anybody body but myself…
Thursday, 3 February 2011
EGYPT in CRISIS II- Curfew Nights 2
30th of January 2011
Water taps didn't drop a single drop of water. Are we starting a new starvation system like Somalia?
No. Our new local non--governmental authorities fixed the problem. Water soon came about 4:00 p.m.
The date was completing the scenario of the previous days. The day on television and at nights, guarding buildings. That night gunshots were getting closer. The news of prisoners running away and thugs terrorizing people were the talk of the hour.
At night, dad and uncle Burhan and uncle Montaser, our neighbors went again downstairs repeating the same scenario, they are now getting closer, analyzing scenes as they see it and murmuring on their homes and the money running out of their hands.May that night be the last terrifying one..
31 of January 2011
That night gunshots where shadowing and unveiling its noise and was getting nearer to us. News in my square were about a truck with about 15-20 men with cold steel threatening the region and driving round.It's terror of all kinds, food is supposed to run out of our hands anytime, money as well, parents started losing power and hope. Egyptian streets are getting back a lot of their buried concepts starting from the neighborhood ending to the organizational committees made by people protecting people
One new good thing among demonstrations is my two new friends Nemo and Dedo; our neighbors' children. Their mother is a nice young woman who has political views which I admire. It's the first time for us to reveal the good neighborhood we have just upon those circumstances. How nice!
Water taps didn't drop a single drop of water. Are we starting a new starvation system like Somalia?
No. Our new local non--governmental authorities fixed the problem. Water soon came about 4:00 p.m.
The date was completing the scenario of the previous days. The day on television and at nights, guarding buildings. That night gunshots were getting closer. The news of prisoners running away and thugs terrorizing people were the talk of the hour.
At night, dad and uncle Burhan and uncle Montaser, our neighbors went again downstairs repeating the same scenario, they are now getting closer, analyzing scenes as they see it and murmuring on their homes and the money running out of their hands.May that night be the last terrifying one..
31 of January 2011
That night gunshots where shadowing and unveiling its noise and was getting nearer to us. News in my square were about a truck with about 15-20 men with cold steel threatening the region and driving round.It's terror of all kinds, food is supposed to run out of our hands anytime, money as well, parents started losing power and hope. Egyptian streets are getting back a lot of their buried concepts starting from the neighborhood ending to the organizational committees made by people protecting people
One new good thing among demonstrations is my two new friends Nemo and Dedo; our neighbors' children. Their mother is a nice young woman who has political views which I admire. It's the first time for us to reveal the good neighborhood we have just upon those circumstances. How nice!
EGYPT in CRISIS II- Curfew Nights
29th January 2011-Revolt's lava {1}
It seems like Egypt is driven to wonderlands, this time a more dreadful version. Today's curfew was a bit excruciating.
About 2:00 p.m
Another scene was executing the eroding-security; the police withdrawal starts evolving the country. No policeman in the country! It's time for thugs to yell to our homes and protections have lain upon men, fathers, youth and providence of God. A chaos is filling the pace of our home, I found dad dressing up and in determination and persistence, he said," it's my duty to defend you, your mom and our little home". That night, we only slept of exhaust. For God's sake why should we hear gun-shots terrorizing our innocence?!
It seems like Egypt is driven to wonderlands, this time a more dreadful version. Today's curfew was a bit excruciating.
About 2:00 p.m
Before the curfew starts, mom grabbed me up to Fathalla Market at El-Montaza square and on our way, I eye-witnessed El-Montaza police station with soot all over it; a scene of remorse for any patriotic fellow.Mom -like a bee- and in less than an hour, picked up all necessities then we were haunted in a typical Egyptian queue at the casher for another hour. The market was getting more and more exploded and people were starting fights. I bet that the same –if not more- number of protesters in Alex were inside the market.
9:00 p.m
at our little balcony, Mom smirks in sarcasm and told me "where are women, dear?" . Mom has always been defying her little stubborn feminist-me. I'm still searching the answer yet it's a bit relaxing for me not to find it.
Our balcony doesn't possess a strategic position yet I can still have a look at the main street and our neighboring streets and my camera recording whatever I appreciate. Doesn't it seem hilarious to witness an army trunk running in your street?. Now Gaza's scenes are life in our strategic and spot-lighted country!!
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