On one mild school day, our kindergarten mistress asked the senior students to fill the pace of the schoolyard and clap hands and cheer for the KG pupils on their costume party celebrating the Easter.
Busy clapping, I observed how boys and girls in KG act according to their sexes. Is it really hormones and physiology that impose women to be recessive? It's not an inquiry for me, only a private interest to observe people's patterns of behaviors and affiliate their behaviors to traditions society tackled.
Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, there was neither a dominant nor a recessive behavior that would distinguish a girl from a boy. In proportional ratio, girls were as energetic and lively as boys were. Oh man! Girls weren't nagging at a deck and crying "mammy, mammy, where is she?!"
And watch it out! I neither demonstrate God's differences in creation nor inquire mere equality deceasing feminine in a woman.
However, I have a clue.

Why should a woman be at blame for having ambitions for success? What's wrong with a woman whose dreams are not relevant to marriage? Why it is a woman's vice being ambitious or strong? Why will she always have to claim a pretext or act subtle for seeking a target of her own? Why can't men "yield" to confess a woman's success as if it would lessen his manhood bowing for her achievements? For what reason should the young butterflies I met at my schoolyard be suppressed as they bloom?
Society is enough passive bringing up inferior futile women embedding in ladies the notion that they are born only for recessive functions.
Sexual harassment and assault had become a daily basis routine that we could barely distinguish. Surprisingly, women are the ones to be blamed for men's excruciation.
And if you advocate women's rights, you would be censured and alleged a "feminist". A feminist is not born a feminist! He/she should have been born in social stipulations that triggered him/her to move or whatever you name it.
Will we put our heads into the peephole and assume to live a conventional life regardless of satisfaction or achievements? If society continues to underestimate women and perceive feminists or women's rights advocates as committers of obscenity, even men won't antecede…Cheers, cheers.
Sooooo right in these lines... feminist is not born feminist, I would say here, it is another label we can gain or stick to during our lives. I have always somehow tended to stay away from this one, as me personally, I am not quite identified with feminist theories. Many times I heard how these women suggest a superior role of a woman and put men down as beasty animals. Well... how to put it nicely... yes, many men proved to me how true this can be... yet, few outstanding exceptions simply never let me fall for feminism of this kind. I am somewhere in between. I still claim, people are either good or bad, I don't feel so much for categorising myself into a women rights fighter or men rights supporter. I love balance. Yes, I will cook and tidy and bring up kids for my husband and family and society. But at the same time I will pursue my own career dreams and bring them to existence. With ambition that you, Jailan, describe. I have ambitions, oh yes, I do. Many and interesting ones, I believe. This society around can do nothing about it. Because I was brought up in this way. Free from prejudice against either of sexes, I was led to achieving my goals and not to put myself into any submissive role, though for many years I thought my family would love to have me that way. Maybe. But I have won and have my freedom. Freedom in marriage that of course sets certain duties, which I do not complain about, those are my hobbies. Twisted personality? Hmm, I don't care what other women would say to that, I love doing laundry and repair clothes, cook with fantasy and innovate!!! I feel so much as a woman now. I agree with you, my dear Jailan, that we should educate kids in a way they don't feel in any way bound to their inborn gender, rather I prefer pushing them to limits, so that they know their potential and choose a role they can play later. Some women are simply born with a gift to be only a female - fragile, in need of protection and inferior. So let them be that. If men still can lead and manage big companies, ok, I am fine with it, as long as they also can see potential in a woman and let her show it at work. I hate when people "close the doors" just because the person they are facing is assigned a "lower and submissive" role by society. Not just society can do it, often religion and educational process is telling us this. I had a subject at school teaching me to cook and use the needle, guys had handicraft, making hangers, using drilling machine, bending plastic into shapes... Why not me? I love doing such stuff, and guess what I CAN DO IT. So why have I got married after all? Hmm, because I am a WOMAN inside. I act like a woman, still can take a role of a male and help myself. But I take marriage as a teamwork and plenty of support where my own powers start fading away. So maybe a little message to the feminists in the western societies: On the way to delete all the bad men and deprive them of their rights, try to think and don't be too cruel or fall for injustice. After all, men need women and women need men.