Every 6th of October is always a school day, and for remembrance of our war- Egyptians- and victory over Israel in Sinai, we have the 6th of every October a day- off.
I was asked this year to write a 150 words paragraph of what comes to mind when we mention the name of Anwar El Sadat-Egypt's ex-president and leader of 1973 war R.I.P.
I was asked this year to write a 150 words paragraph of what comes to mind when we mention the name of Anwar El Sadat-Egypt's ex-president and leader of 1973 war R.I.P.
For my friends who don't know about the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, it's- in brief -the conflict between Arabs and Israel, as during this era, Israel believed a claim to be the first world power and under the pretext of this, it conquered Sinai in 1967; as we call- literally- the heart of Egypt.
Egypt -the son of revenge- devoted the years to get rights back and with the leadership of El Sadat, we surprised the enemy and the whole world with the overwhelming victory.
That's it All.
Egypt -the son of revenge- devoted the years to get rights back and with the leadership of El Sadat, we surprised the enemy and the whole world with the overwhelming victory.
That's it All.
Here is what I said:
Renaissance after a setback; this is Anwar El Sadat. Not only did I mean 1967 setback but also Egyptians ' life setback sweeping economics, commerce and industry. Then El-Sadat came with his broad-minded intellect rising Egyptian society as possible as he can.
May be what would come up to my mind is an era of debate and altercation regarding his policy and peace treaty with Israel- especially from Arabs. Such thing usually happens when a man call for an era of blooming.
Despite that we are brought up in a generation later than of El- Sadat's and that the only thing we got to know about that man is Ahmad Zaki's film and our history books, he is still carved in our minds as "the man of peace and war" and every 6th of October is a special day off for us all, with the songs of victory and documentaries about wars.According to modern history of Egypt, Nasser had put the bases and Sadat had accomplished the pace.
P.S : this picture of Anwar El Sadat is a stencil drawn by: A73
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