Don't weep your eyes excruciatingly that way.. You read it correct; "Don't vote". Psychologically, this might wake you up from your ailment; as you have been concealing your voice in your legal refrenedum. However, we can follow the miused or exploited motto: "Let bygones be bygones" aka "3fa Allah 3ma salaf" and shred the old horrid picture in mubarak 's rule.
Convincing a negatively supressed man who has never shared in any poll (even in presidental election) was like demanding a juris to commit a major vice. Father and mother have never dared to share in an election, all their lifetime, they have been supressed either by parental restriction or later, by injust legitimacy. When I asked the man with white hair have you ever shared in a poll?
The answer was unsurprizingly; "NO, none of which was fair, why should I vote when otherwise, my voice won't be counted?"
And why on earth shall you ever supress your voice again and abort your rights like a deceased corpse?
Your voice finally counts because I'll vote too, Mohamed will vote too, Kamal, Ali, Fatma, Muslim Brotherhood and National Democratic Party (NPD) and Salafists too!
Yes, muslim brotherhood want to scurry us to vote "YES" before the formation of parties from the revolution. For God's sake, why should these people plot us with belief of misbelief to relate our vote to God. they say "Saying YES will garant you a place in paradise, they went distributing food to poor assuring they would vote YES and went with mics everywhere convincing illiterate people to say yes intimidating them with the clutter and lake of stability in the country if we say "NO".
People -or Me if you acquit yourself from your rights- still need to witness other parties on the stage and not only the brotherhood, the previous parliament didn't allow the foundation of new parites. I'm an Egyptian who want to witness a liberal, a communist, and even a secular!
But there is no need for much intellegence, people, what has voting "NO" or even working with the 1971 constitution (during the interim stage) do with peaceful citizens? what if Armed Forces executed military detention on any desperado?
Putting constitution won't take a lifetime to be done; law experts affirmed it takes no more that hours and within two weeks it would be done, No need to dwell about the two years putting a new constitution.
Guys of the brotherhood intimidate poor that if we say NO, the Forces will use its legitimacy and its imperative rules on us or work with the 71 constitution, then you want to fear me and make me support the old constitution that only amended articles relating to the presidnetal elections while left other articles in controversary? So Are you with or agaisnt the amendments? and you already know we will work with the very same constitution for more that a year (when a new presidnet come on board).
Otherwise, (if it's yes or no) military forces will rule the country for at least 6 months or afer the parliamentary and presidental elections. So voting "yes" won't accelerate anything.
Tommorow is the final day, maybe a new blooming era of pure democracy or other version of brainwash and supressing mind. I'll be part of tommorow, maybe I may not have the authenticity to vote but I'll have the same inevitable role to say "NO" with my unyielding voice.