Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Alexandria's "winter's tale"

I rested my nose onto the glass of the window watching the scene of the bare street and a stream of cold air leaked and passed directly to my face. Two minutes before, I was pampering my legs under the warm counterpane. It was about 8:30 am.
The early start of the morning reveals the coming of the long-ly awaited winter. I'm writing this and meanwhile my fingertips are frozen!!

On the last Saturday 17\12, Alexandria has witnessed the official coming of winter. This time even more 'powerful' than ever!
Mom has finally switched our cupboards' suits to our old heavy stuff. What makes things seem funnier is that Egypt has forgotten a season called "winter" that came over late this year. Even when we exclaimed in stupidity, my Slovakian teacher admits what we had is something like springs' fall in her country!!
Ouch! I'm not here just to say how frightening it was hearing the whirls outside and the noisy continuous flow of rain that radiates coldness along its way down.

Yet, for me it was a really contradicting fact that Global Warming is chasing the world and within less than 20 years –if not even less- our home world will be a figure of intangible fires and water flooding all-over the round wandering Earth. And we are still celebrating a "winter"!!
And here comes the tie of my mental conflict; beside the increasing CO2 that chases heat and put on "'heats" to the bare atmosphere, the submerged particles in our dirty air will play a leading role in preventing sun rays to the earth starting a new ice age.

That is it. As summer begins, I believe the world would turn to the ball of fire and as winter falls, I have an unsorted vision of tomorrow... Only time knows.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

On the day of SUCESS!!

Cheers, cheers are all filling the pace. Applauds are ringing like urgent phones! And everybody is shouting understandable words, even the students' queue is now a mess. And among the hassle, a highly pitched sound is calling out the names on the list in the left hand. It's the voice of my teacher so determined and cheerful too!
And as the name is announced, the cheers go louder and chaos fills the place again. "Congratulations, heeeh bravos, bravos" and even if they don't know you, they will congratulate you.
And it happens. Your name's turn! It's the time. Seconds utter your name slowly and your bare feet struggle with the crowd as if you have never been in it. Go and shake hands in respect to the honorable people at your face, fitch an envelope to your hand and smile- stand still aside.
It's all nonsense till you are back home smiling to the woman waiting for you on door. You will handle your mother the nameplate and loudly she reads:
"It's a pleasure to our hearts to congratulate you on the occasion of achieving high grades. Your name has been recorded on the list of honour.Wishing you more success and progress"

Thursday, 7 October 2010

For remembrance of the man.

Every 6th of October is always a school day, and for remembrance of our war- Egyptians- and victory over Israel in Sinai, we have the 6th of every October a day- off.

I was asked this year to write a 150 words paragraph of what comes to  mind when we mention the name of  Anwar El Sadat-Egypt's ex-president and leader of 1973 war R.I.P.
For my friends  who don't know about the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, it's- in brief -the conflict between Arabs and Israel, as during this era, Israel believed a claim to be the first world power and under the pretext of this, it conquered Sinai in 1967; as we call- literally- the heart of Egypt.
Egypt -the son of revenge- devoted the years to get  rights back and with the leadership of El Sadat, we surprised the enemy and the whole world with the overwhelming victory.
That's it All.

Here is what I said:
Renaissance after a setback; this is Anwar El Sadat. Not only did I mean 1967 setback but also Egyptians ' life setback sweeping economics, commerce and industry. Then El-Sadat came with his broad-minded intellect rising Egyptian society as possible as he can.

May be what would come up to my mind is an era of debate and altercation regarding his policy and peace treaty with Israel- especially from Arabs. Such thing usually happens when a man call for an era of blooming.

Despite that we are brought up in a generation later than of El- Sadat's and that the only thing we got to know about that man is Ahmad Zaki's film and our history books, he is still carved in our minds as "the man of peace and war" and every 6th of October is a special day off for us all, with the songs of victory and documentaries about wars.
According to modern history of Egypt, Nasser had put the bases and Sadat had accomplished the pace.

P.S : this picture of Anwar El Sadat is a stencil drawn by: A73

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Once upon a day during my last mid-year vacation -and as always -I was anchored in my pace in front of the book centre in the mall nearby; to find a pink colored book catching my sight and is possibly capable to catch the sight of any Muslim lady with its cover of a girl's face once with the veil and another photo with her blond hair it as if she is torn between religion and the other life, that's how I feel from the first glance on that book.
Soon I did my searches about the book- back then I was at home- and here is what I found –worthy to be shared- :

"Who am I? Jamie or Jamielah?"
She is Jamie Towfeek; a 16-year-old Australian-Muslim-Lebanese teen wondering who she really is as she straddles two cultural realities living in Sydney's western suburbs. Jamielah is overly protected by her father who imposes strict curbs on her social life especially after the death of her mother.

There are a lot of things Jamie hates about her life: her dark hair, her dad's Stone Age Character of Curfew Rights, her real name - Jamilah Towfeek.
Obviously, Jamielah seemed to be ashamed of her true identity and heritage as being in western country. That's why she dyes her hair blonde and wears blue lenses and is determined to be known among her friends as "Jamie"
Her only friend whom she shares her thoughts with is her e-mail friend, John.

"At school I'm Aussie-blonde Jamie -- one of the crowds. At home I'm Muslim Jamilah -- driven mad by my Stone Age dad. I should win an Oscar for my acting skills. But I can't keep it up for much longer..."

Then the true dilemma comes when she had to join her high school when she struggles about revealing her true identity. Who is she? Jaime, the assumed among friends, or jamilah!!
One more problem there; when the cutest boy at school asks her out and her friends start to wonder about her life outside school her secrets then are threatened to explode!!

Another serial of dilemmas passes by her older sister; Shereen who is a hejab wearing girl and is totally absorbed in political causes, human rights and anti war protester. Her father wanted her to settle down.

The author is Randa Abdel Fattah; an Arab novelist and the author of ''Does my head look big in this" Book. "Ten things about me" is her second book and was first published in Australia, 2007.

Oh, well, I'm not here reviewing a book I haven't read or tell a story of me searching for a book.
I personally perceive Arab teen Muslims who live in western countries as a dilemma themselves. Who of them won't be torn between his/her ancestors' customs and how life is there?! And who of them won't choose more freedom and less controlled restricted life when choice is offered and obliging itself? Surely nobody!
And who of them would choose to reveal a true identity that seems in the eyes of westerns as a stone –aged society?!

Randa, in my opinion, -note that I've not read the book- is not only telling a story or a novel for tonight's sleep but is handling a social problem supposed to face any teen in Jamie of Jamielah's condition.
"Ten things I hate about me" is a book I'm looking forward to, in hope to find more that just a story!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

الاسكندرية ترنيمة الزمان ومعشوقة التاريخ لا أدرى إن كنت أسكنها أم انها تسكن وتتوسد حناياي )الاسكندر الاكبر)

Alexandria Hymn to time and date lass, I do not know if I live in it or it lives and pillows in my knot (Alexander the Great).
Alexandria, what does it pop up in your mind? Is it your last summer holiday? Photos you have taken by Stanley Bridge last summer? The wonderful breeze and cool Mediterranean? Boats, the grilled fish with sayadeya rice, Bahary and Makram's ice cream? Meeting the Alexandrians; agda3 nas? May be the old Romanian culture and lately the great Bibliotheca...

Alexandria has always been that wonderful place headed by Egyptians and Non-Egyptians as a resort and a place to enjoy holidays and rest. Even we –Alexandrians- never enjoy the city in summer because of the high population density and the crowd plus the terrible traffic jam.
Well, this time, I'd like to focus some light spots on my beloved hometown; Alexandria and lately capital of Arab tourism for the year 2010.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Ramadan's blessing dates

Tonight is Ramadan's night. Mom is preparing our "sohour" right now.

The holy month is commonly known with being special and different; it's known for spirituality, getting closer to family, and having our iftar with them; we all go break our fast and eat at the same time, also it's known for its oriental sweets that we usually eat plenty of. And usually the first thing that touches our saliva is water and dates...

Dates are served and eaten during the breaking of our fast following our prophet. You know that the sweetness of the date takes the edge off hunger?Yes, dates contain a lot of sugar with less fat and easily digested so they raise the energy in your body instantly and prevent you from overeating.
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James Joyce

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